Routine physicals
Even if there are no health problems, every woman should, at least once a year, undergo a gynaecological examination which includes a vaginal examination, Pap smear test and vaginal smear, and ultrasound breast examination.
These examinations are very important because, if done on time, they can detect the slightest changes that may indicate a disease in the reproductive system and this can favourably affect the treatment. Regular preventive checks are the best protection of women from the growing number gynaecological cancers.
Women up to 40 years old should do an annual Pap test and undergo breast ultrasound examination. Women older than 40 years should undergo mammography, while women older than 50 are recommended to undergo mammography every year.
Specialised gynaecological hospital “Genesis” does individual or organized group routine physicals based on the previous agreement the patient.
For additional information and making appointments please call 021 549 777.