Lasers in gynaecology
It is a contactless and non-invasive procedure.
Basic treatments:
Laser treatment of genital folliculitis
Bleaching of genital or peri-genital zones
Laser treatment of lichen sclerosus
Laser treatment of incontinence and prolapse
Vaginal tightening and rejuvenation of the vagina
Laser treatment of vaginal dryness of mucous membranes in menopause
Laser ablation of the keratoacanthoma of the peri-genital region
Twin Light Laser treatment of genital warts
Laser ablation
Laser re-modelling of episiotomy scars
Preventive laser treatment of Caesarean section scar and remodelling the old scar
Hair removal
Rejuvenation of the face and neck
Laser Breast Lift
Laser acne treatment
Laser capillaries removal
Percutaneous laser ablation of lower extremities’ venectasiae
Laser Body Contouring
Laser ablation of papilloma, fibroma and other benign skin tumours
Laser scar remodelling
Laser treatment of stress urinary incontinence
Urinary incontinence is any unintentional loss of urine. 35% of women aged over 60 have this problem, and it often occurs in younger women after childbirth. It is caused by weak pelvic muscles and increased mobility of the support mechanism of the urethra. This leads to the loss of urine due to activities such as coughing, sneezing, and heavy lifting.
It is treated by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles (Kegel exercises), with medication, by setting vaginal pessary, by surgical procedure and laser vaginal treatment.
Laser vaginal rejuvenation
It is used in the photo thermal tightening of the vagina without surgery and for the prevention and treatment of stress urinary incontinence. Laser treatment influences tissue thermally, and the therapy is based on the creation of new collagen and tightening and remodelling of the mucous membranes of the vagina and endopelvic fascia of the pelvic floor, which results in greater support to the bladder and urethra. This type of intervention does not require any special preparation, and there is no post-operative recovery. The patient can return to normal activities immediately.
This method is applied:
– In the course of natural aging process, as well as after vaginal birth, muscles and ligaments of the pelvis become damaged or weakened, and the vagina becomes loose.
– Also, aging and decrease in estrogen levels that occurs in the woman’s body, reduces the concentration of collagen and elastin in the mucous membranes of the vagina, which loses moisture and elasticity.
– In addition to affecting the sexual life of women, it also causes involuntary urine loss and disturbed bowel movements.