"Genesis" is the first private gynaecological hospital in Vojvodina. A team of doctors, nurses and support staff take care of you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, according to the principles of our original personalized concept. You are the most importaint member of our team who unites us all and who is always in the first place to us. Welcome!




of success




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Our happy triplets arrived home thanks to hospital Genesis. Thank you for making our lives the most beautiful in the world!

Ivana Lukić

Congratulations to the doctor and her colleagues from the heart, no doubt you are the best!

Milijana Bocka

Always absolutely dedicated to her job! It can no longer be called a job, her job is her love and her life!

Drenka Bezbradica

Genesis made our dream come true after 20 years of waiting! I am grateful to the doctor and her excellent team.

Anica Kocić

In Genesis we had the feeling that we are not alone for the first time because of the way they treated us. Our problem was important to them, we were important to them!

Vesna and Đorđe Đuragić

Thank you, dr Crnogorac, and everyone who contributed to holding our happiness, our Veljko, in our hands.

Sincerely, Kristina and Željko Šogorov

Our Nikola was born thanks to prof. Bjelica and the Genesis team. Thank you for everything.

The Stojanović family

Thank you, to the entire Genesis team, and especially dr Stepanov, for being with our mother in such a wonderful way.

Kalina, Vukašin and Kasija Satrić

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