Hysteroskopy, one procedure, many answers- precious for diagnostics, pathology, preparation for IVF

Hysteroskopy, one procedure, many answers- precious for diagnostics, pathology, preparation for IVF

As less pain as possible, as less your time as possible, and as many good solutions and useful information as possible for further course of treatment. It is our basic motto when selecting a metod for each patient individually. That is exactly what is provided by hysteroscopy, a minimum invasive method that covers a wide range of problems, because of which it is called a ”gold standard“ in pathology diagnostics and treatment.

– The procedure consists of inserting a thin instrument, a rigid tube measuring 3-5 mm in diameter which contains a camera, source of light and a working channel through which various surgical instruments can be placed through a vagina and cervical channel to the uterine cavity itself.

This way it is possible to visualize the condition and possibly identify pathological manifestation, as Dr Goran Malenkovic, PhD, gynecology and obstetrics specialist, oncology subspecialist, co-associate of the Specialized gynaecology hospital Genesis says.

Hysteroscopy is mainly nonpainful and can be conducted under local or general anaestesia, however, most patients opt for short-term general anaesthesia.

Hysteroskopy- diagnostic and operative at the same time

This procedure has an important role in investigating infertility, recurrent miscarriages and abnormal uterine bleeding. Diagnostic hysteroscopy is performed for the purpose of examining the cervical channel of the uterus and the uterine cavity in order to diagnose numerous abnormalities and pathological conditions. Operational hysteroscopy implies surgical removal of these organs.

–The greatest benefit of hysteroscopy is the fact that during this process problems can be diagnosed and at the same time immediately solved. Thus we are saving precious time and money, instead of two or more interventions there is only one and that is immediately done, dr Malenkovic points out.

It is recommended that hysteroscopy should be conducted immediately after a period is over, while possible implementation of hormonal balance supplements depends on indications for hysteroscopy.

Ginekologija intervencijeWhat does preparation look like

Necessary preoperative analyses in order to prepare for hysteroscopy include:

  • Complete blood analysis with biochemical analyses and coagulation indicators
  • Blood group, Rh-factor
  • Urine analysis
  • Ginecological examination, PAP test, vaginal and cervical smears
  • Examination by internal medecine specialist
  • In case of chronic diseases, and after consultations with an anaesthesiologist of the Specialized gynecology hospital Genesis, opinion of a competent medical specialist on eligibility for a surgical treatment

Procedure of hysteroscopy in our hospital is documented in electronical form by means of photographies and video recordings which makes the findings complete and the result of hysteroscopy available for further consultant opinions.

Can hysteroscopy solve my problem?

Hysteroscopy method is used in the Specialized gynecology hospital Genesis for the treatment of the following pathological conditions, among which some can be diagnosed only during hysteroscopy:

  • Stenosis of the cervical channel
  • cervical polyps
  • uterine cavity polyps – endometrial polyps
  • submucous mioms
  • “being-born“ myomas
  • Targeted biopsy of endometrium
  • Presence of adhesions in the uterus – Asherman’s syndrome
  • Unclear forms of infertility
  • Partition in the uterus – septum
  • Numerous uterine anomalies
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Removal of intrauterine contraceptive device
  • Preparation for IVF

Hysteroscopy can last from several minutes to half an hour and it depends on the type of method. After the procedure is finished, a patient stays in hospital up to two hours, after which she can go home, says Dr Malenkovic and adds that postinterventional activities of a patient depend on how she feels, with a recommendation of sexual abstinence until the following period, as well abstinence from work in terms of postponing intensive physical work for several days.

Follow-up ultrasound examination is to be appointed 10 days after the intervention.

– Contraindications for hysteroscopy are few and usually include pregnancy and active infection of genital tract. When talking about possible complications, they are easy to notice right away and timely eliminate in most cases. They occur in a small number of cases and most often in the form of uterine contractions, which are evidenced by a patient as pain in the lower abdomen or prolonged bleeding, Dr Malenkovic concludes.

Additional information on hysteroscopy procedure, as well as on avaliable dates for consultations and intervention can be obtained by making a phone call +381 21 549 444, +381 21 549 777 or by E-mail bolnica@genesis.rs

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